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“Afterbirth…stories you won’t read in a parenting magazine” 

By Dani Klein Modisett

First there was the live "Afterbirth..." show, no that’s not true, first there was me sitting home trying to breastfeed my newborn. It was not working. The baby was crying, I was crying, and no other fluids were being exchanged between us.  I’d been a comic for ten years before having this baby and knew the only way I was going to get through this challenge, and a whole host of new and daunting experiences that lay ahead of me as a parent, was going to be if people with great courage and an even greater sense of humor, who had gotten to the other side and lived to laugh about these moments, told me their stories.  

I had a beer (because they tell you to when you're trying to nurse) and immediately called every comic and comedy writer parent I knew and asked if they would come perform on a show I was creating called “Afterbirth…stories you won’t read in a parenting magazine.” I asked each of them to write about the moment they knew their life had changed forever becoming a parent.  That moment when you think, "Oh s*&t, if only I'd stayed in that one room apartment ordering in chinese food alone I never would have gotten in to this mess."  Six weeks later (and six years ago) the first "Afterbirth..." live show was performed before a raucous, standing room only, crowd.  Last year, an anthology of stories from "Afterbirth..." was published by St. Martin's Press.  “Afterbirth…” now performs in major cities across the country to sold out audiences.  The caliber of talent that has come out to tell the truth about the good, the bad and the ugly of being a parent today in front of a live audience has inspired not only each member of the audience where it appears, but also a whole exploding genre that I call, "Flawed parenting as entertainment."  

“Afterbirth…” the web series will take you front and center to the hippest comedy club, where people funnier than your friends regale you with raw, candid, laugh out loud stories that are guaranteed to make you feel less alone in the specific way in which you are screwing up your kids.  With contributors like Emmy winners Dana Gould, Lew Schneider, Cindy Chupack, Rick Cleveland and “Mad Men” creator Matthew Weiner, and writer/performers like Patricia Heaton,  Caroline Rhea, Peter Horton, Moon Zappa, Caroline Aaron, Andrea Martin, “Glee’s” Mike O’Malley and many, many, more, each webisode will deliver heartwarming laughter to the viewer with out anyone having to hire a babysitter, tip a valet guy, or be relegated to  “designated driver” status.


Our “Afterbirth…” team, including Webby-winning executive producer Dan Bucatinsky (co-creator/producer/actor, "Web Therapy," and "The Comeback"), esteemed new media agent Nathan Coyle (CAA) and of course me, Dani Klein Modisett, creator/exec producer of "Afterbirth....," are eager to find creative and authentic ways to integrate your brand in to what promises to be the internet’s very own “Modern Family.”  A show with all the vibrancy and freshness of this network hit, that also delivers the immediacy of live performance that has become a huge force in other leading TV shows like “Glee,” “So You Think You Can Dance,” and, of course, "American Idol.”


For press on “Afterbirth…,” the show and the book, please visit
To become part of the growing "Afterbirth..." family, please contact Nathan Coyle,

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