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Opening Conversation: Freedom Media

Freedom has broken out in world media. Viewers are now participants – even insurgents – in a popular revolt. Creators have become publishers. The “armchair revolution” impacts what’s happening on the world stage, the implication for brand marketers and the power of new pipes to deliver real change.

 Philip (PJ) Crowley, Rick Stengel, and Amr Salama

In a conversation moderated by Rick Stenge, Managing Editor of TIME Magazine; Philip (PJ) Crowley, Chair for Strategic Leadership at Penn State and former Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs; along with Amr Salama, blogger and filmmaker and author presenter of “How to Advertise a Revolution” they explained how social media is truly revolutionizing our world.

In times of strife, social media has provided an important tool to organize, socialize, and drive political and social change.

There has been a push for change in Egypt for years, but with social media forces in place, it allowed individuals who may never have been given a voice to become powerful think tanks and change agents that helped revolutionize their country, according to Crowley.

Before the revolution in Egypt, only 15 million of the country’s 80 million citizens had access to the Internet and only one-third of those were on Facebook. On the day after the revolution, an estimated 25 million had access to the Internet in one single day.

“The people just needed one spark,” said Salama. “One change to create a movement, and just imagine if you gave all 80 million Egyptian citizens’ access to the Internet. I have to believe our world would completely revolutionize.”

But with so many people given fast access to social tools, Stengel asked Salama if there is a chance for the surge of social conversations to curdle.

“Maybe I’m more optimistic than most,” Salama said. “But I believe that this is only going to keep shaping positive change for our people, our country, and the world at large.”


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