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Ben Silverman

Emmy and Golden Globe Award-winning producer Ben Silverman announced a partnership with IAC, led by media mogul Barry Diller, in July 2009 to launch a new company, Electus, which will capitalize on the ever-evolving world of multimedia production and distribution. With Ben as founder and CEO, Electus will unite producers, creators, advertisers and distributors under one roof and produce all forms of content for distribution across a variety of platforms around the world.

Ben is executive producer of  the Emmy Award-winning NBC comedy “The Office” and the  Golden Globe-winning comedy “Ugly Betty,” is co-creator and executive producer of  hit reality show “The Biggest Loser” for NBC as well as an executive producer and co-creator of the critically acclaimed “The Tudors” for Showtime.

Prior to launching the new media venture with IAC, Ben served as Co-Chairman, NBC Entertainment and Universal Media Studios from June 2007. Responsible for directing the efforts of NBC Universal’s television operations, Ben transformed the business model by connecting advertisers and consumers through content in a more profound way. Initiating the first of two Infronts, he rebranded the Upfront and enabled a two way conversation between media companies and advertisers.