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Sree Sreenivasan

Sree Sreenivasan is a tech evangelist and skeptic (he can explain how he's both) specializing in explaining technology to non-techies.

He is a professor and dean of students affairs at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism, where he teaches in the digital media program (he has also been teaching entrepreneurship at the J-school and digital-media marketing for an MBA Master Class at Columbia Business School). He has been on the faculty for 17 years.

He is a contributing editor at, a Manhattan-news startup he helped launch in 2009 with Joe Ricketts, the founder of Ameritrade and whose family just bought the Chicago Cubs and Wrigley Field.

In March 2004, Newsweek magazine named him one of the nation's 20 most influential South Asians; and in 2009 he was named one of AdAge's 25 media people to follow on Twitter and was one of 22 professors named to the "top 100 Twitterers in Academia, by